The Most Punished Thing About Online Poker Cheating

It’s an awful thing to say, but for some reason or another online poker cheating is becoming the thing to be. When I say something is becoming it means there is actually a pattern of players doing something illegal or shady, usually they are just looking for any advantage and in some cases they are cheating their opponents. Although cheating in live games there is usually a penalty for the cheater, it’s not the case when you are playing online.

If you think about it, there are tens of thousands of people that play at the same time as online players. In other words, the competition online is so fierce that in the end the plain people that are winning money at these tables are the ones that are cheating. OK, that might be a stretch, but one certainly can’t argue with that.

What is the most frustrating thing about online poker cheating? The bottom line is, it doesn’t matter if you are the victim or the cheerer. In the end it only means you lost money. However, if you aren’t the victim it might mean you could have won money.

How can you tell if you are the cheerer and you just got beat? Well, if you are in the middle of a game it might be a little easier to tell. You might be concerned about your actions and how you are playing, you might be quick to jump into a game and try to compete. You might analyze the game you are playing in a way that is geared towards your benefit.

When you cheat and you do it unconsciously, it might be hard to get away with it. You don’t want to stop now, you are in the middle of a game. However, remember, some of the techniques used by cheaters can be bred out of a poker game. The thing about poker cheating is that it is a part of the game, it makes you nervous, it shames the game, and it makes you want to come up with a way to beat the system. However, only a part of the system.

For example, there are some cheaters that, when they are bored, will work their way into one room and go through the garbage and the drawers. This is a little trick, a trick that makes you want to get out of the house and resist you’re temptation to go and play. However, if you are the kind of cheater that does this, and you really feel your competitors are being lazy, you can get motivated and vanquish the competition.

In the end, cheating online poker players can be noble, it makes the game more exciting, it makes it more challenging, but most of all it lets you play longer, harder, and with a feeling of pending riches that you cannot get anywhere else.

Vanessa Rousso is a seasoned poker professional and has worked in some of the biggest rooms on the net and has a passion for fair gaming. She hopes to share her knowledge in this article, hoping that it will help future players in discovering the “ins and outs” of online poker cheating.



